Geopolitics, Globalization and Worldpower - A Vaisnava Perspective

"Geopolitics is a term used to describe the causal processes involved in the interrelationships between
the control of territory (land and sea), politics, economies, finances, law, etc of the world's various
nations. In the modern context however, geopolitics has come to be synonymous with Globalization

Geopolitics - A Vaisnava Perspective
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Geopolitics Part One - Geopolitics Part Two - Geopolitics Part Three
Geopolitics Part Four - - Geopolitics Part Five - - Geopolitics Part Six
Comments on Geopolitics - The Fruit Does Not Fall Far From The Tree


The Fruit Does Not Fall Far From The Tree

Raymond T Grant – USA: Your series on Geopolitics really got me going. I never bothered to think about stuff like this, I did my service and chanted but now I see that there is a whole lot of stuff I have missed.

The Fruit Does Not Fall Far From The TreeI have to admit I was taken aback by what I first thought was Anti Semite rage but as I kept reading it makes a lot of sense now. I never figured in Jews before and I found that when I began reading about them on your website I had to struggle with feelings of anger and frustration at hearing anything bad about them. Then I thought what the hell is going on? I had no real answer for why I felt this way at all. I just did. I had no idea that slowly over the years I began to see everything in the karmi side of my life through the eyes of the Jews.

I used to blame the Palestinians for wanting their country back. But then I found out that the Zionist Jews wanted a country of their own so we and the British gave them a huge chunk of Palestine. I would hate to think what if the Native Americans wanted their land back? Would the Jews support them? Would the British? Would we support them to have a huge chunk of the US? No way Jose!

I always blamed the Christians and lately the Muslims for the ills of the world. I cannot imagine any mainstream religion in 2010 wants to do animal sacrifice? I checked on this and found it true. I still don’t know what to make of this. We have all been lied to, from the Luna landing, 911, everything we have been told has been lies and deceit.

I read some articles from other devotees about what they say is the Jewish Background Devotee’s influence in ISKCON and when I think of it many of our leaders are JBDs and what ISKCON has turned into I cannot help but think that they had a role in it. I want to think that they have changed, that Srila Prabhupada touched their hearts and changed them. But then I am not sure now. All this makes too much sense.

I remember Hridayananda Goswami was in Berkeley Uni in the late 60s before he joined. A whole bunch of young Jewish boys and girls joined from Berkeley Uni. When I checked on the Frankfurt School I found that they used Berkeley as one of their bases so I would imagine many of our Jewish devotees were trained up by them. I still can’t reconcile how a Sanyasi and Srila Prabhupada disciple could step foot in a University except to preach but how many our men are joining the karmi system by going back to University to get karmi degrees? It is shameful. They are not Sanyasi they are Vantasi.

The fruit does not fall far from the tree. It is no wonder the Jewish devotees are so attached to the higher educational system in the States and end up going back there to get more and more degrees under their belt. It probably makes their rich parents feel good but I don’t think Srila Prabhupada would be happy. I suppose if they take shelter of these demonic places they don’t give a dam about what Srila Prabhupada thinks anyway.

Anyway Prabhus I thank you for your brave stance in this and pray that you can continue to speak up. I have had my eyes opened and I hope that others will to. If we don’t learn from the mistakes of the past then we are doomed to repeat them. If we don’t understand what is a mistake then we are definitely going to use third class intelligence and fall into maya’s trap and fail. If we fail we not only fail ourselves and each other more importantly we fail Srila Prabhupada.

Thank you for explaining that the Jews like any other religion are simply following their Scriptures it makes your presentation more balanced and thoughtful. We devotees would also rule the world if we had the chance. The Vedic culture after all did for many times in the past and will again in the future. The good thing about us is that we will defend the basic human right to learn to love and serve Lord Krishna. Not our rights to serve our sensual and lusty desires.

Srila Prabhupada Ki Jaya!

Raymond T Grant – California, USA

Eyal Reut says:
Dear Mr. Grant, You must be kidding. Aren't you the guy from Southern Utah Uni? What's gotten into you? If you call that "open eyes", what was your position BEFORE they were open? I mean, come on man, do you really believe that the Jews "got a huge chunk of Palestine" from America and Great Britain? Better review your history lessons – the USA was AGAINST the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine, though it voted neutral in the UN. Britain did all in its power to BLOCK the Jewish refugees who managed to escape with their lives from burning Europe from entering Palestine, in order to maintain an equilibrium with the Arab population. Nevertheless, Jews kept settling in Palestine, and when the Brits left in 1948, the brand-new State of Israel offered a hand in peace to all the Arab countries around it, and especially to the local Arab population. Please read the "Declaration of Independence" of the State of Israel, read by D. Ben-Gurion on the very occasion of the announcement of the State of Israel. And what did the Arabs do with it? Gathered SEVEN armies against the struggling, barely armed Jewish population and tried to wipe them off completely. Even so, the new State of Israel implored the local Arab population to stay in their homes and live with us in peace, while their leaders urged them to find temporary shelter in neighbouring Arab countries, and promissed them a great victory. And the result: REFUGEE CAMPS that had been kept in their miserable state BY THE ARAB COUNTRIES for over SIXTY YEARS! So please wake up!

As for Hrdayananda and Tamal Krsna and some other devotees from Jewish origin who 'went bad', let me point out that a rotten apple doesn't mean that the tree is rotten, but it must be removed from the basket, lest it poisons the whole lot. There are SO MANY wonderful devotees who are originally Jewish. And then again, check out Bhavananda and Kirtanananda, who are apparently of non-Jewish origins, and try to blame the jews for the lives they've destroyed and for their ghastly disservice to Prabhupada's movement and to the Vaishnava community in general. Those demoniac figures have stained ISKCON gravely, though they are not, and never were, Jewish. Still, if you simply don't like Jews, it's ok to be anti-Semite, or rather, anti-Jewish; just let go of the lame excuses. No need to hide, you're with the majority.

With due respect,

Eyal Reut
Haifa, Israel


Admin says:
The Balfour Declaration states very clearly the position of the British Government with regards to the formation of the State of Israel. Best not try and deconstruct history…

Foreign Office,
November 2nd, 1917.

Dear Lord Rothschild,
I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet:
"His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country".
I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.

Yours sincerely
Arthur James Balfou


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