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- You Are Always On My Mind -
A video produced by Atmavidya das, Germany, published with the following text:


"Our business is to point out who is not a saint."
(Śrīla Prabhupāda Morning Walk; Bombay, April 10, 1974)

May Śrīmatī Bhanu-nandini devi dasi forgive me for including her in this video. Running images of her was unavoidable.
She is not to blame for things that transpired.

The Swami in question is an entirely different story. On the surface he seems to be a jolly good fellow. Perhaps, his misconduct could be brushed off as some temporary and innocent incidents. If...

If he would be just a sannyasi who got temporarily carried away. However, our Swami in question...

...pretends to be a Sampradaya Acharya and Guru, who is able to take his disciples back to the Kingdom of God.

...has strong tendencies towards impersonalism - and is a dear friend of the notorious Krishna Das, who is on record for saying:

"Krishna or Shiva - same shit."

...is seeking instructions and "bhāva" from sources that are at least questionable - disregarding his own spiritual master.

...allows his disciples to be worshipped as if he was on the same level as Śrīla Rupa Goswami.

.. .allows his disciples to believe that he is so dear to none other than Śrīmati Rādhārānī that She desires to render menial service to him.

(I have seen with my own eyes the backdrop decoration for his so-called Vyāsa-Pūjā celebration, which was suggesting just that.)

...is highly selective in regard to who is invited for his "darshans."

Young and physically attractive women are very much preferred. Middle-aged or elderly ladies may be shown the door.

The list goes on...

If I have not totally misunderstood my spiritual master and his literature, all of the above make the Swami in question nothing but a disturbance in a society of sincere Vaishnavas.


Link to the video on the website of the author:

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Please also see:
Mr. and Mrs. Sacinandana Swami
German Sacinandana Swami Exposed as Sahajiya
Sacinandana Swami and a woman
Sacinandana Swami’s Ramesh Baba Program