Hansadutta is officially completely in denial of Srila Prabhupadas poisoning, although Srila Prabhupada Himself said that poison has been given to him.

Hansadutta is officially completely in denial of Srila Prabhupadas poisoning,
although Srila Prabhupada Himself said that poison has been given to him.


Hansadutta and the poisoning of Srila Prabhupada

Dear Anuttama dd.
Pranams. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada. Thank you for your letter.

You are asking: “Why didn't you send this (Bhakti Charu implicated in Srila Prabhupadas poisoning) to Hansadutta Prabhu?”

Answer: It was NOT send to him for the very same reasons you yourself already mentioned, namely: HE'S OFFICIALLY COMPLETELY IN DENIAL REGARDING THE MATTER

So what is the use? You are wasting your time, trying to get him to open up about what he knows. HE MIGHT KNOW SOMETHING OR NOTHING, but HE DOES NOT WANT TO KNOW THE TRUTH FOR SURE. Otherwise he would accept Srila Prabhupadas spoken complaint recorded on tape.

He's not only in complete denial of this matter but he is also rejecting the words of his own spiritual master (who said that poison has been given to him). Hansadutta does not believe in Srila Prabhupada’s words any more, but searches for ‘The way of a Pilgrim’ now. He thinks that Srila Prabhupada's statements about his poisoning are nothing but Prajalpa.

His last interview on YouTube was disappointing, inexpressive and of no substance. He was dressed like a hippie from the seventies, not even bothering to wear tilaka for the YouTube interview.

You have to stop your sentimentalities. Hansadutta talks to you in one way and to another devotee in the opposite way. He always has done this double talk, explaining everything in such a way that suits him best.

He does not really care for any body, except himself. His ‘pratistha’ fever for name, fame, distinction, and adoration has still not subsided after all these years of playing ‘guru-go-round’, still thinking of himself a “great guy”, despite destroying 1000sands of devotees lives.

Hansadutta still lives in great hallucination, cheating himself and others by not abiding to the truth. His latest forum discussions clearly expose him as rascal, hypocrite and total Mayavadi.

Rammohan (a mentally deranged German crackpot devotee) wrote to Hansadutta:
“…As we all saw past twenty years some Prabhupadanuga group was pushing with great effort — “Prabhupada was poisoned”, “poison issue is of utmost importance”, “we can prove that Prabhupada was poisoned”, etc., etc., poison. When somebody was asking, wait, how should this be Krishna’s plan — there was silence, no answer.
Finally these poisoning conspiracy idiots have an answer after shouting poison for 20 years. And this whole process is called Prabhupadanuga, those who really know who is Prabhupada. Is there any bigger idiocy taking place on this planet?”

On May 6, 2017, Rammohan again wrote to Hansadutta:
Dear Hansadutta prabhu, please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Anuttama devi dasi just posted on Facebook that you are now agreeing that Prabhupada was poisoned. You gave so many explanations that this is just a mad idea. Recently Gargamuni said in Vrindavan that great acaryas like Prabhupada leave this world according their own will. The idea of Prabhupada being poisoned is for demons. And you already gave so many explanations that there was no motive because Prabhupada had already transferred everything to his leaders? -- Ys, Rammohan das


From: Hansadutta
To: Rammohan das, 7 May 2017
Dear Ram Mohan, Obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada.
“…. No I want to remind you and also Anuttama dd that I advised you years ago “GET OFF THIS INTERNATIONAL PRAJALPA (village gossip ) NETWORK. It is absolutely destructive to your spiritual life. After this I will say no more about it — you can do whatever you like.”


So Hansadutta thinks that his guru, Srila Prabhupada, is talking Prajalpa:

Srila Prabhupada: [Hindi] Keu bole je keu poison kore diyeche. Hoy to tai. [(((audio)))]
Translation: Someone says that someone has poisoned me. I think it is possible.
Kaviraja: Kisko? [(((audio)))]
Translation: To whom?
Srila Prabhupada: Mujhko. [(((audio)))]
Translation: To me.
Srila Prabhupada: Vahi bat... je koi hamko poison kiya [(((audio)))]
: "That same thing I said, that someone has poisoned me"
Bhakticaru: Someone gave him poison here. [(((audio)))]
Tamala Krsna: Prabhupada was thinking that someone had poisoned him. [(((audio)))]
Bhakticaru: YES!!!
Kaviraja: If he says that, there must definitely be some truth to it. (Hindi) [(((audio)))]

Tamala Krsna: What did Kaviraja just say?
Bhakticaru: He said that when Srila Prabhupada was saying that (he is poisoned) there must be something truth behind it.
Bhakticaru: gives confirmation: [(((audio)))]
Tamala Krsna: Sssss!

Hansadutta is a faithless rascal, now he's claiming he knew nothing about Srila Prabhupada’s poisoning, not even believing in Srila Prabhupada’s own recorded words! Either Hansadutta got a muzzle from his actual ISKCON friends or he got acute dwindling of memory, but for sure he has got some type of severe cognitive dissonance. Maya has punished Hansadutta with madness, illusion, and forgetfulness – the result of Vaisnava- and Guru-aparadha!

Srila Prabhupada: "I am training some of my experienced disciples how to manage after my departure. So if instead of taking the training, if in my lifetime you people say I am the Lord of all I survey, that is dangerous conspiracy." (Srila Prabhupada Letter - September 12, 1974)

Srila Prabhupada: "Therefore we have created these GBC. So they should be very responsible men. Otherwise they will be punished. They will be punished to become sudra. Although Yamaraja is a GBC, but he made a little mistake. He was punished to become a sudra. So those who are GBCs, they should be very, very careful to administer the business of ISKCON. Otherwise they will be punished. As the post is very great, similarly, the punishment is also very great." (Srila Prabhupada Lecture - June 4, 1974)

So Vidura is Yamaraja, the superintendent of death. After our death, we are brought before the justice Yamaraja, what kind of next birth I may have. So Yamaraja is not sudra. He is devotee of Lord Krishna, although he has the duty to punish the criminals. Just like a magistrate is always punishing the criminals. That is his business, but he is not criminal. He is giving judgment to the criminals. Similarly, Yamaraja is the appointed magistrate, superintendent. After death, one has to go before him and take the judgment of his next life. This is the process. [740604SB.GEN] (Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.13.15 Geneva, June 4, 1974)

concerning Srila prabhupada's poisoning

From: Hansadutta Das
Date: October 9, 2017
To: Dasarath Pandit
Subject: Fwd: As per your request quote from the 4th canto

PS .... after much thought and deliberation over the years regarding this issue I have finally come to a secure and clear resting place in my heart and mind I'm sure it with you and ask your opinion ..... From October to November I was singing daily for Srila Prabhupada .... sometimes for hours alone with him in his room therefore I have come to the conclusion that prabhupada could have told me if something was amiss and evil - sinister was being perpetrated on him by " some disciples " ...... I was one of his leaving disciples and he never suggested or implied that anything was amiss. Therefore I have concluded I must take shelter and the absolute authority and Shelter Of Srila Prabhupada's silent" trikalagna " - knower of past present and future."

(COMMENT: Dear Anuttama dd, here (above) is your answer from Hansadutta.)

WOW - what an impersonal, stupid and idiotic denial of the truth of Srila Prabhupadas poisoning. Srila Prabhupada Himself claimed to be poisoned. Only a madman talks like this. Can any body please explain what is "taking shelter of Srila Prabhupada's silent trikalagna. What means SILENCE? This is not only denial of truth but totally mayavadi, ignorance, self-deception and madness.

Hansadutta is writing: "I have come to the conclusion that prabhupada could have told me if something was amiss and evil" -- Well, Srila Prabhupada told the whole world in his tape-recordings about the evils in ISKCON, including his poisoning! WHY SHOULD Srila Prabhupada tell Hansadutta in private, when Srila Prabhupada knew, that Hansadutta is waiting for him to die so he can sit in his seat. This was the complaint which Prithu, Vedavyasa and Paramadvaiti alias Alanath, brought to the attention of Srila Prabhupada way back in the seventies.

You can read about this part of the ISKCON history online:
"And this is why some people like Prithu das said -- even in the mid-1970s -- that Srila Prabhupada had told him, "Most of my devotees are praying for me to live, but Hansadutta is praying for me to die (so he can sit in my seat)." --/-- "And if Srila Prabhupada did not trust the people in his room, and he didn't, apparently because he felt most of them were simply waiting for him to die so they could sit in his seat, why would he say anything to any of them at all? He had already said on November 3rd 1977, -- "my only request is, do not torture me and put me to death." Why would he even have to say such a thing, unless ... he is being tortured and put to death?"

[PADA: Prithu said that Srila Prabhupada told him, "Everyone is praying for me to live, but Hansadutta is praying for me to die so he can sit in my seat." Certainly Srila Prabhupada was well aware of the ambitions of his "top men."]  (stated by Puranjana)

So WHY should Srila Prabhupada tell anything to Hansadutta? Hansadutta himself is part of the evil in Iskcon, trying to be the big guy all along, playing guru-go-round, conspiring with the other bogus gurus which Zone and devotees to exploit, destroying devotee lives by the 1000s, ignoring Prabhupadas crying for help (my only request, that at the last stage don't torture me and put to death) (ignoring Prabhupada's last wish to go on parikrama) and than Hansadutta is saying he does not know anything about Srila Prabhupada's poisoning or Prabhupada's imprisonment by Tamal.

74-10-01. Letter: Hamsaduta:
Srila Prabhupada:From Madhavananda I have heard that there is some worship of yourself by the other devotees. Of course it is proper to offer obeisances to a Vaisnava, but not in the presence of the spiritual master. After the departure of the spiritual master, it will come to that stage, but now wait. Otherwise it will create factions.”

It is very clear, that Hansadutta now lives in his own illusory world, lying to himself about the poisoning of his guru (by total denial), explaining past histories in such a way that suits him best (freeing himself from guilt), his vision impaired by side-blinkers on his eyes (blinds, like horses have), not being able to comprehend anything anymore. This is Mayas punishment for sure.

Hansadutta is writing: "I was one of his leaving (leading?) disciples and he never suggested or implied that anything was amiss." Ha Ha Ha - what nonsense! Hansadutta himself was part of the evil in ISKCON, yet says such nonsense that Prabhupada never suggested or implied that anything was amiss.

Srila Prabhupada complained all the time, so much so that He suspended all of the GBC's for deviating from his instructions.

"Meanwhile, do not be disturbed. Everything is alright. If I cannot rely on you to assist me in the GBC position, who can I rely on? So I beg you to reassure me that you will continue to help me in this way, and do not become withdrawn from your active role. Kindly relieve me of this great anxiety. I want to retire now and simply concentrate on translating work, but how can I do it if I cannot give over the management of my society to you all my advanced senior disciples?" (Prabhupada letter to Gaurasundara)

Srila Prabhupada warns of GBC deviation
Srila Prabhupada suspended the GBC for deviating from His instructions

What will happen when I am not here, shall everything be spoiled by GBC? So for the time being, let the GBC activities be suspended until I thoroughly revise the whole procedure.” (Srila Prabhupada Letter, April 11th, 1972)

“I made the GBC to give me relief, but if you do like this, then where is the relief. It is anxiety for me. This is the difficulty, that as soon as one gets power, he becomes whimsical and spoils everything.” (Srila Prabhupada Letter, September 12th, 1974)

“I am training some of my experienced disciples how to manage after my departure. So if instead of taking the training, if in my lifetime you people say I am the Lord of all I survey, that is dangerous conspiracy.” (Srila Prabhupada Letter, October 8th, 1974)

Srila Prabhupada: "I am practically seeing that as soon as they, our students, begin to learn a little Sanskrit, they immediately feel they have become more than their guru. Then the policy is to kill their guru and become guru themselves". "As soon as he learns that Guru Maharaj is dead, now I am so advanced I can kill guru and become guru. Then he is finished." (Srila Prabhupada 1976).

NOT THAT YOU TAKE THE PLACE OF GURU. THAT IS NONSENSE, VERY DANGEROUS. Then everything will be spoiled. As soon as you become AMBITIOUS to TAKE THE PLACE of GURU -gurusuh nara matih. That is MATERIAL DISEASE. (Srila Prabhupada Conversation - April 20, 1977)

Srila Prabhupada: "I am training some of my experienced disciples how to manage after my departure. So if instead of taking the training, if in my lifetime you people say I am the Lord of all I survey, that is dangerous conspiracy." (Srila Prabhupada Letter - September 12, 1974)

Srila Prabhupada: "Therefore we have created these GBC. So they should be very responsible men. Otherwise they will be punished. They will be punished to become sudra. Although Yamaraja is a GBC, but he made a little mistake. He was punished to become a sudra. So those who are GBCs, they should be very, very careful to administer the business of ISKCON. Otherwise they will be punished. As the post is very great, similarly, the punishment is also very great." (Srila Prabhupada Lecture - June 4, 1974)

"So Vidura is Yamaraja, the superintendent of death. After our death, we are brought before the justice Yamaraja, what kind of next birth I may have. So Yamaraja is not sudra. He is devotee of Lord Krishna, although he has the duty to punish the criminals. Just like a magistrate is always punishing the criminals. That is his business, but he is not criminal. He is giving judgment to the criminals. Similarly, Yamaraja is the appointed magistrate, superintendent. After death, one has to go before him and take the judgment of his next life. This is the process." [740604SB.GEN] (Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.13.15 Geneva, June 4, 1974)

Hansadutta: I have come to the conclusion that prabhupada could have told me if something was amiss and evil - sinister was being perpetrated on him by some disciples.

Srila Prabhupada: "The great sinister movement is within our Society."

Srila Prabhupada: They will want to crush down this movement. So it will be there; it is already there. Don't be disappointed, because that is the meaning that it is successful. So there may be attempt like that. "So as Krishna was attempted to be killed... And Lord Jesus Christ was killed. So they may kill me also.. [Srila Prabhupada Room Conversation, May 3, 1976, Honolulu]

Srila Prabhupada: "That is my only request, that at the last stage don't torture me and put to death. So I am not eating anything, and if we chant, by batches chant, I’ll hear." [S.P. Room Conversation November 3, 1977, Vrndavana, India]   

NOTE: It is very awful that a guru has to beg his disciples not to torture him to death. Why a guru has to beg his disciples not to torture him to death? By analysing these statements of Srila Prabhupada, one can conclude that He was indeed TORTURED AND POISONED "TO DEATH" BY HIS SENIOR DEVIOUS DISCIPLES COVETING HIS SEAT.

Kaviraja: speaks in Hindi.....
Tamala Krsna:
Put poison in different containers. That's all right.

  [(((audio)))] MP3

For any sincere disciple of Srila Prabhupada all the alarm bells would ring, if his guru tells him, that he has been poisoned. He immediately would try to protect his guru, finding out those poisoners.  But not so Hansadutta and his Isk'Con friends, they try to obfuscate the poison complaints of Srila Prabhupada, stating the opposite of what Srila Prabhupada is saying. Srila Prabhupada Himself is saying: "I have been poisoned, poison has been given to me" Yet Iskcon leaders state the opposite: "Not that I have been poisoned", contradicting directly Srila Prabhupadas own words, like Bhakti Charu, who ist Hansaduttas dear friend.



- Nityananda das -